Adult Immunization Clinic
1:00 - 4:00 PM
WSC 3228
For all active and retired faculty, staff, administrators, their spouses, and their adult dependents.
Each year in the spring and fall, the BYU Employee Wellness Program, in cooperation with the Utah County Health Department, offers vaccinations for BYU employees and their spouses. Take advantage of this great opportunity to receive vaccines at a convenient location!
Vaccines that are offered include: Flu, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Twinrix, TDAP, Shingrix, the Pneumonia shot, and the Moderna COVID-19 booster. Vaccinations are generally covered by insurance, but self-pay starts at $37. If you are unsure about insurance coverage, please consult your insurance provider.
If you don't know which vaccines you need, click here to see options to obtain your immunization record
The Docket app might be helpful for you as well. Click here to see how to download the Docket app
The clinic will be held in Wilkinson Center Room 3228.
Print and fill out the waiver here
You can also fill out the waiver when you arrive.