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Wellness Booklist

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Wellness Booklist

Love to read and want a list of titles related to wellness? This booklist has been curated by BYU librarians and employees for your reading pleasure.

Browse the list of titles below, organized by wellness dimension. Want to see your favorite titles added to this list? Share your book recommendations with us here!
  • These books are generally about healthy coping mechanisms, handling stress or change, empathy, neurodivergence, positivity and happiness, mindfulness and meditation, etc.

    • The Anatomy of Peace
      • Author: The Arbinger Institute
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

      • Author: Jonathan Haidt
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • As a Man Thinketh
      • Author: James Allen
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
      • Author: James Clear
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future
      • Author: Ryder Carroll
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • The Choice: Embrace the Possible
      • Author: Edith Eger
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
      • Author: Brene Brown
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • The Gifts of Imperfection
      • Author: Brene Brown
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling, Start Living
      • Author: Russ Harris
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things
      • Author: Adam M. Grant
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
      • Author: Martin E. P. Seligman
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - and the Unexpected Solutions
      • Author: Johann Hari
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life... And Maybe the World
      • Author: William H. McRaven
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Me, Myself, and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-being
      • Author: Brian Little
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
      • Author: Carol S. Dweck
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • The Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good For You, and How to Get Good At It
      • Author: Kelly McGonigal
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life
      • Author: Jon Kabat-Zinn
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work and In Your Life
      • Author: Spencer Johnson, Kenneth H. Blanchard
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
      • Author: Roy F. Baumeister, John Tierney
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times
      • Author: Katherine May
      • Submitted by Suzanne Julian: It is personal narrative about how a woman endured through a series of difficult circumstances.
  • These books are generally about nature or surroundings as they impact the human body and mind, the environment, organizing, etc.

    • The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative
      • Author: Florence Williams
      • Submitted by Mike Johnson
  • These books are generally about budgeting, retiring, investing, financial planning, mindset or relationship to money, etc.

  • These books are generally about curiosity, lifelong learning, new ideas, growth, new ideas, healthy discourse, etc.

    • The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

      • Author: Julia Cameron
      • Submitted by Toni Pilcher
    • The Art of Gathering

      • Author: Priya Parker
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • The Back of the Napkin

      • Author: Dan Roam
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • Building a Second Brain

      • Author: Tiago Forte
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • Creativity, Inc.

      • Author: Ed Catmull
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • Deep Work

      • Author: Cal Newport
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • The End of Average
      • Author: Todd Rose
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • Essentialism
      • Author: Greg Mckeown
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • Life in Five Senses

      • Author: Gretchen Rubin
      • Submitted by Toni Pilcher
    • NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
      • Author: Steve Silberman, Oliver Sacks
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Off the Clock

      • Author: Laura Vanderkam
      • Submitted by Toni Pilcher
    • Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World
      • Author: Maryanne Wolf
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
    • Rookie Smarts

      • Author: Liz Wiseman
      • Submitted by Suzanne Julian: This book encourages people who are just starting out with a new area of learning to use their skills as a rookie to thrive.
    • Think Again

      • Author: Adam Grant
      • Submitted by Suzanne Julian: This is one has some great ideas on learning to ask good questions and think about your thinking.
    • Tracking Wonder

      • Author: Jeffrey Davis
      • Submitted by Toni Pilcher
    • Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times

      • Author: Katherine May
      • Submitted by Suzanne Julian: It is personal narrative about how a woman endured through a series of difficult circumstances.
    • Zig Zag
      • Author: Keith Sawyer
      • Submitted by Matt Armstrong
  • These books are generally about ethics, morals and values, a relationship with God, finding meaning at work or in life, the temple, our divine identity, honesty and integrity, etc.

    • An Early Resurrection

      • Author: Adam Miller
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
    • A Place to Belong

      • Authors: Camille Fronk and Hollie Fluhman
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
    • Crossings

      • Author: Melissa Inouye
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
    • Educated

      • Author: Tara Westover
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
    • Letters to a Young Mormon
      • Author: Adam Miller
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
    • Man's Search for Meaning
      • Author: Viktor E. Frankl, Harold S. Kushner
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Planted: Belief and Belonging in the Age of Doubt

      • Author: Patrick Mason
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
    • Proclaim Peace
      • Authors: Patrick Mason and David Pulsipher
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
    • That They May be One: A Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Faith and Family
      • Author: Tom Christoffersen
      • Submitted by Gerrit Van Dyk
  • These books are generally about physical strength, endurance, or flexibility, nutrition, sleep or rest, disease prevention, ergonomics, physical safety, etc.

    • The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer: Lessons From the Healthiest Places on Earth

      • Author: Dan Buettner
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

      • Author: Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen

      • Author: Christopher McDougall
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

      • Author: James Nestor
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Breathwork: A 3-Week Breathing Program to Gain Clarity, Calm, and Better Health

      • Author: Valerie Moselle
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life: How to Harness the Power of Clock Genes to Lose Weight, Optimize Your Workout, and Finally Get a Good Night's Sleep
      • Author: Suhas Kshirsagar
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • The Fitness Mindset: Eat for energy, Train for tension, Manage your mindset, Reap the results 

      • Author: Brian Keane
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well

      • Author: Gabrielle Lyon
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto

      • Author: Michael Pollan
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • The Joy of Movement: How exercise helps us find happiness, hope, connection, and courage
      • Author: Kelly McGonigal
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • The New Menopause: Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts

      • Author: Mary Claire Haver MD
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • The One-Minute Workout: Science Shows a Way to Get Fit That's Smarter, Faster, Shorter
      • Author: Martin Gibala
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
      • Author: Peter Attia
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally
      • Author: Kelly Starrett
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, and Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength
      • Author: Scott Carney
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
    • Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
      • Author: Matthew Walker
      • Submitted by Meg Frost
  • These books are generally about relationships, respect, connection with others, how to make friends, etc.

    • The Person You Mean To Be: How Good People Fight Bias

      • Author: Dolly Chugh
      • Submitted by Jessie, Library Department
      • This book will help you learn strategies for putting your beliefs into action in order to connect with others better. This relates to social wellness because it teaches strategies for connecting with and working with others.
    • The Goldfish Boy
      • Author: Lisa Thompson
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • A Man Called Ove
      • Author: Fredrik Backman, Henning Koch
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen
    • Mirror to Mirror
      • Author: Rajani LaRocca
      • Submitted by Jamie Hansen