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LinkedIn Learning

All BYU Employees have access to LinkedIn Learning.

Follow these steps to get access to your LinkedIn Learning Account:

  1. Go to the LinkedIn Learning Login page and enter your BYU email address.
  2. After entering that email address, you will have an option to choose which Brigham Young University to affiliate with, between Provo, Hawaii, and Idaho. To ensure you get full access, you will want to choose the Provo option.
  3. You should next be prompted to log in using the standard BYU login.
  4. You can optionally connect your LinkedIn Learning account to your personal LinkedIn account to easily post your certifications and accomplishments onto your LinkedIn profile by clicking on the "Me" dropdown in the top right corner, clicking "Settings", and then scrolling down the Settings page until you find the section to connect your LinkedIn account.

Note: If you are unable to log in with your BYU email address, check the “Verifications” section of your profile. If LinkedIn has already verified your association with BYU, you can log in to LinkedIn Learning with your personal account.

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