Axe Throwing Set Skip to main content

Axe Throwing Set

1 Set Available in the HRD Library


  • Includes 4 red axes and throwing stars, and 4 blue axes and throwing stars, and a 24" x 24" target
  • the set is 5' tall and 2' wide
  • The set is about 23 lbs.

Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email

Activity Overview
Players take turns throwing the safety hatchets at the target. Each section of the target is assigned point values. Points are accumulated after every round until one player reaches 21 points.

Activity Instructions
Start by determining who will start (e.g., flip a coin or agree on a method). Players will then alternate turns, throwing hatchets at the target.
You get 1 point for getting in the blue, 2 points in the white, 3 points in the red, and 4 points in the center. The first player to get to 21 points wins!

Suggested Use
Play indoors or outdoors before a team meeting, during the lunch hour, or during a team retreat/activity.