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Building Bridges

Time Required: Activity: 20 minutes, Debrief: 30 minutes (minimum)
Group Size: 10 – 40 participants
Space: 20 x 40 (minimum room size) Open space – no chairs, tables, etc.
Materials: One (or more) Toobeez set split in two equal groups

The group is split into two teams and instructed to build the longest bridge possible in the time allotted with the Toobeez provided.

The Activity Instructions
Facilitator Script
In this activity, you will be divided into two teams, Team A and Team B (divide the room). Each team will be given a set of Toobeez. Your instructions are to win by building the longest bridge with the materials provided in the time allotted. You will have 20 minutes to complete this activity.Any questions on the material covered? (Answer any questions, and get the teams situated with their Toobeez). Begin.

Facilitator’s Choice…
1) The language you choose may influence how the instructions are interpreted. Consider using “group” or no distinction, “A’s over here, B’s over there” instead of using the word “team”.
2) How the teams are chosen may impact this activity. There are many ways to divide the room (i.e., counting off, using characterizations such as hair color, company level or division, gender, etc. or picking random individuals).

The Debrief
Opening: The intention of this activity is to enhance communication among team members and encourage and realize the value of cooperation. This activity provides participants with an opportunity to see how they work together, whether they lead or follow, what roles they assume, how they influence and are influenced by others, and how they interact in a potentially competitive situation. The activity offers an alternative to competition – the win/win.
This activity offers many lessons, so let the participants share with you what they learned and think the activity is about. As you ask questions about the instructions, listen to the responses to be sure the participants understand the instructions (i.e., someone can repeat them word for word, answers precisely, or there are no hands remaining in the air.

  • What was the point of this exercise?
  • Who knows what the instructions were?
  • What was the longest bridge possible?
  • How did you play the game?

Closing: This activity is a platform for new actions. In all variations, the way to build the longest bridge is for Team A and Team B to cooperate. Any other solution leaves both teams with, at most, half of what they could have created by working together.

Concluding Questions

  • What did you learn about communication, cooperation, or teamwork?
  • What could have been done differently?
  • Where else in your professional life do you behave in a similar manner? Is it working?
  • What traits or behaviors did you admire in your teammates?
  • How will you apply what you learned from your teammates?

Action Plans

  • How many ways can you apply what you learned in this activity to: Strategic partnerships, Feedback and performance reviews, Interviewing and hiring decisions
  • Based on your new experiences and insights, what could be different in going forward?
  • Which skills will you now adopt and develop?
  • What three action steps (with specific, measurable results) will you take this month to begin incorporating what you’ve learned into your daily routine?

For additional instructions and modifications click HERE.