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Family Feud

1 Set Available in the HRD Library

-Available in the HRD Library: 1 Set
-203 game cards
-6 "X" cards

Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email

Activity Instructions
1. To begin a new round, a player from each team is chosen to faceoff.
2. The Host draws a Family Feud survey card and reads it aloud to the two players.
3. The player who shouts their answer first gets the first chance to win the faceoff.
4. The host announces if the answer is one of the answers on the card and its rank. If the player answers with the number one answer, the player automatically wins the faceoff. If the answer is on the card, but not number one, the other player gets a chance to guess. If that player guesses a higher-ranking answer, he wins the faceoff. If the player's answer is not on the card, his team receives an "X" card and the other player gets a chance to guess.
5. Once a player has won the faceoff, play moves to the faceoff winner's team. His team will then try to guess the remaining answers, one player at a time.

To win

  • Each time a player answers on the card before receiving three "X" cards, that team wins the round and wins the survey card.
  • If your team receives all 3 "X" cards before guessing all of the correct answers, play shifts to the other team. The other team gets one chance to correctly guess one of the remaining answers on the card. If they answer correctly, they win the round and the survey card. If not, the first team wins the round and the card.
  • The first time to collect 5 Family Feud cards wins the game

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Created by The Game Box