Giant Letter Tiles
3 Sets Available in the HRD Library
- Activities like Banagrams/Gigantagrams (below) takes 15-30 minutes
- Each set has 146 alphabet tiles and a carrying bag
- Each set allows for 5 teams of up to 3 people each (2-15 players)
Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email
Activity Overview
The activity is basically a race for each team to complete their giant word grid first. This allows teams to work together in a fun and creative way, but you can also use the word tiles in other creative ways.
Activity Instructions
Instructions come with the game. However, you can be creative and make up your own word games to use with these supplies.

Alternative Play Options:
Gigantagram Themes
Use the same basic rules for GIGANTAGRAMS but this time words must be based around a theme such as family or summertime. You may also choose a theme of specific word types, such as only spelling out verbs, adjectives, or nouns.
Gigantagram Speed
Use the same basic rules for GIGANTAGRAMS but whenever a player yells "GROW!" take 2 or even 3 tiles instead of only 1.
Gigantagram Simple
Set aside the "SWITCH" tiles and divide the remaining 144 tiles equally among the players keeping them face down. Once the game begins, players do not "GROW", "SCRAP", or "SWITCH", but rather race to complete their grid using only their starting tiles.
Suggested Use
This is a perfect activity to bring fun and competition to a department retreat.
Created by GetMovin' Sports