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Giant Uno

1 Set Available in the HRD Library


    • More UNO to love! The same family card game you already know but with cards 3 times larger!
    • Group size: 3-10 people
    • The only thing that could make the matching card game more fun Giant-sized cards! Bigger IS better.
    • Makes a great gift for any UNO fan 7 years old or up. Comes with 108 cards and instructions.

Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email

Activity Overview
Just like in classic UNO, match cards by color or number in a race to deplete your hand. Use challenge and wild cards to change the direction of the game.

Activity Instructions
One person will shuffle the cards and distribute seven cards face-down to each player. Put the rest of the cards face-down in the middle of the group and flip over the first card of the deck. Going in clock-wise order starting with the person left of the dealer, each person needs to either play a card of the same color or number or draw a card until someone runs out of cards.

The exceptions to this rule are when the player before plays an action card. Double-arrows reverse the order of play. Instead of continuing in clockwise order, the play order would reverse and the next person to play a card would be the one who had played right before the person played the reverse card. The skip symbol simply skips the next individual's turn. Draw 2 and Draw 4 cards make it so the following player must draw the respective number of cards instead of taking their normal turn. Wilds and Draw 4 Wilds allow the person who played the card to choose the leading color (the color the following player must play unless they also have a Wild card.)

The final rule is that when you play your second-to-last card, you must announce "Uno"! If you fail to say "Uno" when you are down to one card and someone says it for you, you must draw two cards.

Want to spice things up? Try a different set of UNO rules!

  • Jungle Uno:
    • Playing a 0 means everyone in the group must pass their hand to the person next to them in the direction of play.
    • Playing a 4 allows the player to choose another player with which to switch hands.
    • Playing a 7 means everyone must stay silent until the next 7 is played (and anyone who speaks must draw a card). To announce "Uno!" when you get down to your last card during a period of silence, wave a single finger so everyone can see it.
    • If you have to draw a card on a turn, you must continue drawing cards until you can play one.
    • You may compound Draw 2's on top of Draw 2's, and Draw 4's on top of both Draw 4's and Draw 2's.
    • If you have the same card (same color and number/symbol) as the last card played, you may play that card, even if it is not your turn. Play resumes from you.
  • Other variations

Suggested Use
Quick and casual game to play before a meeting, put out during the lunch hour for employees to play together, or play during a team retreat/activity.