Growth & Autonomy
Implementation Ideas
- Harold B. Lee Library
This is a reservoir or information that is readily available to the campus community.
- BYU LMS Training
Online employment training developed for BYU for students, faculty, and staff.
- Department Trainings
Trainings through Talent Development on a variety of topics.
(see Coaching for Effectiveness, First Thing First)
- Developmental Assessments
A variety of team assessments offered through Talent Development with a facilitated discussion about the results.
(Consider 360 Feedback, Strength Finder)
- LinkedIn Learning
All BYU Employees have access to LinkedIn Learning. There are a variety of topics to choose from.
- Talent Development Workshops
Workshops presented by Talent Development on a variety of topics.(see Career Boost, Getting Things Done, Project Management Essentials, The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, etc.)
- Wellness Presentations
Presentations are on a variety of topics.
(see Job Crafting, Personal Power Hour)
- Connect with Your Professional Community and CDC
Find unique ways for your department to engage with your Professional Community. Also encourage employees to meet one-on-one with their CDC to receive personal career guidance.
- Hold a Career Development Retreat, Conference, or Seminar
Invite an expert in your field to train on a relevant topic from time to time. Invite student employees to attend as well.
- Hold a Book Review
Offer a book review on a business, leadership, or development topic (see the recommended reading list). Use it as an opportunity for sharing goals, motivating, and supporting one another.
- Provide Strength Finding Assessments
Offer professional development assessments from time to time such as strength finder, 360 feedback, Myers Briggs, bias testing, etc.
- Highlight Development Resources
Share relevant trainings on the BYU training LMS or from the LinkedIn learning platform, or articles that shed light on important career. on the and invite coworkers to complete it with you.
- Schedule a Talent Development Workshop
Talent Development offers a variety of workshops on communication, mentoring, career development, Job Crafting, and more.
- Schedule a Presentation
Schedule the wellness coordinators to give a short presentation in your department. Our personal development presentations include Power Hour, 20-hour Skill Development, or the Power of Tiny Habits.
- Encourage Good Financial Stewardship
You could use ideas from the DMBA Resource Library or the BYU Wellness Library.