Inviting the Spirit Skip to main content

Inviting the Spirit

Implementation Ideas

Inviting the spirit creates a culture where we are able to receive inspiration to more effectively accomplish the mission of the university. President Nelson said the privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts God has given to His children. He encouraged us to take the necessary steps to hear the Lord better and more often so we can receive the enlightenment He wants to give us. (1/2021)

  • Honor Code 
    Understand and live the honor code and encourage those within your sphere of influence to do the same.
  • Faith-Based Teaching and Learning 
    Website with example for how to implement faith based teaching and learning into our jobs.
  • Share Spiritual Thoughts
    Sharing a spiritual thought in department meetings or newsletters is an easy way to help invite the spirit.
  • Attend Devotionals Together
    Attend BYU devotionals as a department, or afterwards discuss them as a department or share what you learned with coworkers.
  • Do a Book Review on an Inspiring Book 
    Hold a book club and discussion for an inspiring book and find ways to incorporate the principles taught within the department.
  • Hold a General Conference Review 
    Discuss topics from General Conference and brainstorm ways to incorporate the messages taught by the prophet and other general authorities within the department. 
  • Do a Service Activity Together 
    Organize a service opportunity for your department. You could show appreciation to another department or tag onto BYU's United Way or other service events. You could also visit Yserve for ideas.
  • Develop Christlike Attributes 
    Choose a Christlike attribute each week or month for the department to focus on developing and do things along the way to make it a fun experience.  
  • Pray for Inspiration
    Pray for inspiration regarding the needs of your department and in planning and carrying out your responsibilities. Begin meetings with prayer, share spiritual thoughts, send links to favorite conference talks, etc.
  • Align with the Mission, Aims, and Strategic Directives of the University 
    Review the Mission, Aims, and Strategic Directives of the University as a department and brainstorm ways to improve as a department if needed.
  • Focus on Faith-Based Teaching 
    If your department is an academic department or if your department does any teaching or training brainstorm ways to make those opportunities more faith based.   
  • Live the Honor Code 
    Review the honor code as a department and brainstorm ways to improve as a department if needed.