Several months ago, I started saying a prayer of gratitude every morning when I wake up. This is based on what President Nelson taught: “Each new morning is a gift from God. Even the air we breathe is a loving loan from Him. He preserves us from day to day and supports us from one moment to another. Therefore, our first noble deed of the morning should be a humble prayer of gratitude.” I start my prayer by thanking Heavenly Father for the air I breathe that is a loving loan from Him. Then I continue my prayer of gratitude. In my prayer, I thank God for BYU, for my colleagues at BYU, for the leadership at BYU, and for the students at BYU. Following my prayer, I read at least one verse and ponder it. I learned to do this based on what Elder Costa does: "When I wake up, instead of looking at my phone, I say a prayer. Even a simple prayer. Then I read a scripture. This helps me with my weekly covenant that I make as I partake of the sacrament to 'always remember Him.' When I begin my day with a prayer and a scripture, I can 'remember Him' when I do look at my phone. I can 'remember Him' when I face problems and conflicts, and I try to face them like Jesus would."
By starting my day with a prayer of gratitude, I start my day grateful for everything and everyone. I find that this influences my attitudes and behaviors in workplace interactions. It always helps me be more productive because I am grateful for my job at BYU, and this gratitude helps me stay focused and accomplish goals I have set and assignments I'm given. Starting the day by reading a scripture helps me think about the Savior and His love for me and for all His children. I'm able to keep this in the forefront of my mind even when stressful and tedious tasks arise at work.