Portable Ping Pong Skip to main content

Portable Ping Pong

3 Sets Available in HRD Library

-Each set includes 1 extendable net, 2 paddles, and 3 ping pong balls in a mesh carrying bag
- Net posts clamp onto tabletops measuring up to 75 inches across and 1.75 inches thick

Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email wellness@byu.edu

Activity Overview
Rally game that is first to 11 points, win by two.

Activity Instructions
A point is won by you if your opponent is unable to return the ball to your side of the table (e.g. they miss the ball, they hit the ball but it misses your side of the table, or the ball hits the net), or if they hit the ball before it bounces on their side of the table.

Players will switch serving every two points. The ball must first bounce on your side and then on your opponents. Your opponent must allow the ball to hit their side of the table before trying to return this. If the serve clips the net and goes over this is a 'let', and the serve is retaken. During a rally, if the ball hits the net and bounces over to the opponent's side the rally continues.

Suggested Use
Interactive lunch-break activity, or host a fun office tournament