Flu Shot Clinic Skip to main content

Flu Shot Clinic

September 23-26, 2024
7:30 am - 5:00 pm
WSC Garden Court
For active faculty, staff, administrators, and their families


The Flu Shot Clinic is open to students, faculty, staff, and their families. Because getting a flu shot is so important at this time of year to decrease the risk and severity of the flu, BYU Employee Wellness is partnering with the Student Health Center to offer flu shots to the BYU community. Please note that COVID-19 vaccines and boosters will not be offered at this clinic. Retired employees and their spouses are also welcome to attend, but it is important to note that Medicare/Medicaid are not accepted insurances.

During 2022, health clinics across the United States saw a decrease of flu shot vaccinations, particularly for the age group 6 months - 17 years, and saw a dramatic increase of flu cases compared to 2021. Don't leave yourself susceptible to the flu and sign up for your flu shot today!

The clinic will be held September 23-26 from 7:30 am - 5:00 pm in the Garden Court of the Wilkinson Student Center.

Waiver and Insurance

You will need to print and fill out this year's waiver and then bring it and your insurance card (or $30) with you the day of the clinic.

If you are unsure if insurance will cover your flu shot, please follow up with your insurance carrier.

This is NOT a Medicare/Medicaid-authorized clinic.

Waivers are required of every individual who will receive a flu shot.

Make an Appointment

You may make an appointment for you and your family. Only one appointment is needed per family. If you aren't sure what time works for you, walk-ins will also be accepted.

If you want to receive text reminders, be sure to enter your phone number.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, you can do so with the confirmation email you receive. If you did not receive a confirmation email, check your Junk or Spam folder.