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Get Connected

Time Required: Activity: 10 – 45 minutes, Debrief: 20 minutes (minimum)
Group Size: 20 – 52 participants per set of Toobeez (NOTE: There are 52 pieces per set) For smaller groups, make sure to have at least one connector sphere for every three people.
Space: 20 x 20 (minimum room size) Open space – no chairs, tables, etc.
Materials: One Toobeez set

Everyone is given a Toobeez, and the group is instructed to connect all the pieces, forming a single object with no loose ends. Each participant must hold his/her respective piece at all times.

The Activity Set Up
Give each person one Toobeez piece.

In this activity, you will each be given one Toobeez. Work as a team to connect everyone together, creating a structure with no dead ends. You must follow these guidelines:

Facilitator Script There is only one correct way through this Toobeez maze from point A to point B (indicate beginning and end to the participants). The object of the activity is for you to determine what that correct path is and then have as many of you go through the maze as possible in the time allotted.

  • Everyone must be connected – no free-floating pieces are allowed in the solution.
  • You must be touching your Toobeez at all times.
  • To be complete, not only must you all be connected to each other, but also there may not be any dead ends. That is, everyone must be connected to at least two others.
  • During the activity, if any rules are broken, everyone will break up and begin again.

The Debrief
Opening: The intention of this activity is to develop teamwork, cooperation, and project management skills. It requires extensive coordination among participants, and everyone must play an active role. This activity offers many lessons, so let the participants share with you what they learned and their comments as to the purpose of the activity.

  • What was the point of this exercise?
  • Where in your professional life are you dependent on other people, and how do you deal with them?
  • What was the biggest challenge of this activity?
  • What did you learn? How can you apply that to your professional life?

Closing: This activity is a platform for new actions. There are many situations in which we are interdependent with others. Cooperation, teamwork, and effective project management skills are necessary to work together successfully, regardless of the restrictions put on each of us.

Concluding Questions

  • What did you learn about trust, cooperation, teamwork, and project management?
  • What could have been done differently?
  • Where in your professional life are you dependent on others? What can you now do differently to overcome the challenges?

Action Plans

  • How many ways can you apply what you’ve learned in this activity to:
    • Managing new projects
    • Client relationships
    • Professional development
  • Based on your new experiences and insights, what could be different in going forward?
  • What three action steps (with specific, measurable results) will you take this month to begin incorporating what you’ve learned into your daily routine?

For additional instructions and modifications click HERE.