As we strive to make BYU a place where employees can thrive and be their best selves, it’s helpful to make a personal assessment about where we are on the scale between being a Multiplier or a Diminisher. Multipliers amplify or multiply the intelligence of the people around them while Diminishers drain intelligence, energy, and capability from others. Multipliers expect great work and inspire people to achieve extraordinary results. They assume everyone is smart and that intelligence is continually developing. Multipliers find ways to stretch their people and allow them to use more of their underutilized intelligence and capabilities. Doing this can often be as simple as asking the right questions and making space for others to find the answers rather than always having the answer or solution. The next time a co-worker, team member, or student employee comes to you with a question, look for the opportunity to tap into their intelligence. You may be surprised with what they come up with if given a chance.
To learn more about what it means to be a multiplier review the following resources: