Mindfulness Basics Course Skip to main content

Mindfulness Basics Course

February 7 - March 7
Fridays from 2-3pm
For active faculty, admin, staff, and their spouses


Mindfulness is increasingly recognized as an integral component of overall well-being. Multiple studies reveal that learning mindfulness and meditation skills have a positive impact on physical and emotional health.

These training courses will be led by Mike Johnson from the BYU Center for Teaching and Learning, who earned his Mindfulness teaching certification in 2023. Each course teaches 8 mindfulness techniques over five 60-minute classes. There is typically one course offered per semester.


    To maintain an ideal learning environment, course registration is limited to 20 individuals. If there are no available courses, check back here regularly or subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know when a new course is available.

    The next Mindfulness Basics Course will be starting soon! The sessions will be held on Fridays from 2 - 3 pm from February 7th - March 7th. Course details will be sent in your registration confirmation email.

    Please register only if you can commit to attending at least 3 of the 5 sessions of the course.

    Oops, it looks like this semester's Mindfulness Basics Course is full! Join the waitlist to be next in line for any openings.