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Step Up Your Game: The Stairway to Wellness


In a world where elevators and escalators reign supreme, there’s a humble hero waiting in the wings—the staircase. Yes, those often overlooked flights of steps can be your secret weapon for a healthier, longer life and even improved workplace performance. The great news is that all over campus we can take advantage of this underrated health opportunity. Let’s dive into the details.

Health Benefits of Stair Climbing

  1. Longevity: Research shows that stair climbers have a lower risk of dying from any cause. It’s like a secret pact with the universe: “I’ll take the stairs, and you’ll grant me extra years.” Deal!
  2. Metabolic Magic: Stair climbing upgrades your metabolic health. Say goodbye to metabolic syndrome and hello to lower body weight, better blood pressure, and reduced risks of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
  3. Cardiovascular Fitness: Climbing stairs boosts your VO2 max—the gold standard for measuring endurance. It’s like giving your heart a turbocharger. Even short bouts of stair climbing can make a difference.

Workplace Performance: The Stairway to Success

  1. Energy Boost: Forget a large Diet Coke; take the stairs! Those endorphins kick in, and suddenly you’re ready to conquer spreadsheets and meetings. Plus, you won’t spill Diet Coke on your keyboard.
  2. Productivity: Stair climbers are productivity ninjas. Why? Because they’re not waiting for the elevator. They’re already at their desks, typing away while others are stuck in the lobby.
  3. Mood Enhancement: Stair climbing releases serotonin—the happiness hormone. Imagine arriving at your desk with a grin, ready to tackle that report you were avoiding on Friday.
  4. Memory and Concentration: Stair climbing oxygenates your brain. Suddenly, you’re recalling project details like a walking Wikipedia. Your colleagues will be amazed.
  5. Confidence Boost: Taking the stairs says, “I’m proactive, health-conscious, and ready to serve students and my colleagues.” Plus, you’ll have killer calf muscles.


So, next time you see that elevator button, consider taking the stairs! Your heart, brain, and boss will thank you. And remember, success isn’t just about reaching the top—it’s about enjoying the journey, one step at a time.

Remember, life is a staircase—sometimes steep, sometimes winding, but always leading upward. So, go ahead, step up, and embrace the benefits!

Want to learn more? Listen to this 3-minute NPR story that talks about the benefits of taking the stairs.