Toxic Waste Challenge Skip to main content

Toxic Waste Challenge

30 minutes

2 Sets Available in the HRD Library

-2 Sets Available in HRD Library
-Includes 1 blue plastic bucket, 1 metal can, 1 orange rope, 1 rubber tube, 11 plastic balls, 14 white lengths of rope
-Set can be used for up to 14 participants
-Instructions included with set
-Activity takes approximately 30 minutes

Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email

Activity Overview
This activity will require collaboration and communication. This challenge can be difficult and the group may benefit from some coaching by the facilitator. You can adjust time limits, distance, or adding obstacles between the buckets. In order to increase difficulty "Red Herring" items can be added to the pile of items.

Activity Setup

  • Use the orange rope to create a circle on the floor; this will be the toxic waste radiation zone
  • Place the metal bucket in the center of the radiation zone and fill it with the plastic balls
  • Place the blue bucket 15-20 feet away from, the radiation zone. The farther the distance the more difficult the activity will be.
  • Place all other items in a pile near the radiation zone.

Activity Instructions

  • The challenge is for the group to figure out how to transfer the toxic waste (the plastic balls) from the metal bucket into the plastic bucket (the neutralizing container) without entering the radiation zone or spilling the toxic waste using only the items provided.
  • Present the challenge to the group and give them 5 minutes to plan without taking any action.
  • After 5 minutes, allow them to start executing their plan. Give them a time limit for their actions

Activity Solution

  • Participants take the shorter length of white rope and tie them around the black tubing
  • Participants then pull on the white ropes and stretch the black tube around the top of the metal can and lift it our of the radiation circle and over to the plastic bucket.
  • They work together to dump the plastic balls into the plastic bucket using their white lengths of rope to control the bucket.