Have each person secretly write on a post-it note the name of a famous person. Keeping the name hidden, stick the post-it to another 's forehead. Each person takes turns to ask the group questions to figure out whom the unknown person is. The catch is that only yes or no answers can be asked. If the answer is no, your turn is over. If the answer is yes, you can ask another question. Keep going until you get a no or make a guess at whom you are. If you guess right, you win or if you guess wrong your turn is over. Keep going until everyone has guessed or if time is tight, maybe stop after a few right answers.
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Line Up
If you've got a bigger group, split them up into smaller groups and see who completes each task quickest. Have your group form a line in order of height, birth month, distance traveled from work, etc. To make it more of a challenge, get the group to do this silently, using sign language or other alternative communication.
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The Toilet Paper Game
Same idea as the M&M game, except it's with sheets of toilet paper. Have a roll ready and ask participants to take as much or as little as they need. For each sheet, they tell something about themselves (You'll always have someone who takes 20 sheets)
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Orange Pass
This is kind of high risk, but still fun. The goal is for each member of the group to get into a line (or make several lines and turn it into a race). The first person passes an orange to the next person from neck to neck (no hands).
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The Name Game
Have the group add an adjective to their name that begins with the same letter ('Terrific Tom' 'Cool Chris'). See if people can remember the names and the adjectives.
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Three Questions Game
Everyone in the group writes down 3 provoking questions they would like to ask others in the group. Not the normal "what's you name" type questions but something like, "Where is the most interesting place you have ever traveled" or "Name a topic you feel absolutely passionate about". Give them time to mingle, and to ask three different people in the group one of their three questions. Get back together and have each person stand and give their name. As they say their name, ask the group to tell what they know about this person.
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Map Game
Hang a large map of the world. Give everyone a pushpin. As they enter, they pin the location of their birth on the map.
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The Artist Game
Give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil. In 5 minutes they must draw a picture that conveys who they are without writing any words or numbers. At the end of 5 minutes the host collects the pictures. Show the pictures to the group one at a time and have them try to guess who drew it. After this allow each of the artists to introduce themselves and explain how their work clearly conveys who they are.
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Creative Name Tags
Give everyone 15 minutes to make their own name tag-they can list hobbies, draw a picture, give a self-profile, etc.
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Story Time Game
The facilitator starts a story by saying a sentence. It then goes in a circle, each person adding a sentence onto the story-after repeating each sentence that's already been added.
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Lucky Penny Game
Each person takes a penny or other coin out of their pocket and looks at the date. When it's their turn, they tell the year that's on their coin and recall something spectacular that happened that year.
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Two Truths and a Lie
Each person tells the group three facts about themselves, one of which is a lie. The rest of the team then tells the group which one they think is a lie. Once everyone has had their vote, the person tells which one is the lie. This continues for each person in the group.
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Get in the News Game
Divide your group into teams of four or five people each, and make sure each team has the necessary supplies--scissors, tape, pins, and plenty of old newspaper. You'll also need a separate room or corner in which each team can work with privacy (and hilarity). Each group selects one person to be the model. After deciding what kind of costume to make, the team goes to work--cutting, crumpling, bunching, rolling, piecing, pinning, and taping. After an appropriate amount of time, call everybody together for a costume show. (And don't forget to recycle your newspaper when you're finished!)
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Puzzles Game
Give participants a blank piece of puzzle (cut up a sheet of index card stock). Each person writes on the piece one skill which they contribute to the group. The puzzle is then assembled to show that everyone contributes to the whole.
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Quick Change Artist Game
Pair off into partners facing each other. Each player is to observe his or her partner's appearance. Then the players turn around back-to-back and make two or more changes in their dress, hair accessories, etc. When they face each other again, each partner must identify the changes made by his or her partner. This game can be repeated several times by changing partners and increasing the number of changes made.
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Chat Show
Get the group to pair off and take turns in being a chat show host and guest. The chat show host has to find out 3 interesting facts about their guest. Switch the roles and repeat. Bring everyone back to the big group and ask them to present briefly the 3 facts about their guest to the group. Maybe go round the group randomly so people are less aware of their turn coming up next and panicking about it. Watch timing on this one as it has a tendency to go on too long if your group likes to chat too much.
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If I were a...
Ask each person to say what they would be and why, if they were a fruit, historical figure, household object, cartoon character, or many other things. Examples include: I would be a pineapple as I am exotic, sweet and zingy; I would be a whisk as I like to stir things up.
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This one may sound rough, but it's really easy and a lot of fun. Everyone should lie down on the floor, and each person should put their head on another person's stomach, so they form an 'L' and have a chain of people with their heads on each other's stomachs. The first person in the chain says 'Ha!' The next person says 'Ha!' and then repeats the 'Ha!' from the previous person ('Ha Ha!'). And so on. The goal is to get to the end of the chain without anyone laughing (good luck).
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Trust Walk
BE CAREFUL PLAYING THIS ONE! - Partner participants. Each pair of people is going to go for a walk. One person will be blindfolded, and the other will lead them, either by touch, verbal instructions, etc. This is great for building trust. Just make sure you don't take people anywhere dangerous and the leader isn't allowed to lie to the blindfolded. After a while, have the people switch roles.
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Stand Up
Sit on the ground, back-to-back, with a partner, knees bent and elbows linked. The object is to stand up together. The game can be expanded to include as many people as possible.
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The Pocket/Purse Game
Everyone selects one (optionally two) items from their pocket or purse that has some personal significance to them. They introduce themselves and do a show and tell for the selected item and why it is important to them.
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Paper Airplane Game
Everyone makes a paper airplane and writes their name, something they like and dislike on it (You may also want to add additional questions). On cue, everyone throws their airplane around the room. If you find an airplane, pick it and keep throwing it for 1-2 minutes. At the end of that time, everyone must have one paper airplane. This is the person they must find and introduce to the group.
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Three in Common Game
Break the group into 3's. Their objective is for each group to find 3 things they have in common. But not normal things like age, sex or hair color. It must be three uncommon things. After letting the groups converse for 10 - 15 minutes, they (as a group) must tell the rest of the groups the 3 things they have in common.
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Favorite T-Shirt Game
Ask attendees to bring (or wear) their favorite T-shirt to the meeting. Once all participants have arrived, ask each person to show the shirt to the group and explain how the T-shirt best resembles their personality.
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Marooned Game
You are marooned on an island. What five items would you have brought with you if you knew there was a chance that you might be stranded. Note that they are only allowed five items per team, not per person. You can have them write their items on a flip chart and discuss and defend their choices with the whole group. This activity helps them to learn about other's values and problem solving styles and promotes teamwork.
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Ball Toss Game
Have everyone stand up and form a circle. Toss a nerf ball or bean bag to a person and have them tell everyone something unique about themselves. They then toss the ball to someone to introduce themselves as well. Continue the exercise until everyone has caught the ball at least once and introduced themselves and at least one unique thing.
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Straw & Paperclip Game
Give each group a box of straws (not flexible straws) and a box of paperclips. Check that the paperclips can fit snuggly into the end of the straws. Give each group a task and let them go. Sample tasks: Build the structure as a group - tallest, strongest, longest, most creative, most functional, etc. Debriefing includes describing teamwork and situational leadership skills used as well as how different models are needed to accomplish different tasks.
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Make a Date Game
Give each participant a paper plate. Have them draw the face of a clock on their plate with a line next to each number (no digitals!). Then have participants walk around a find a "date" for each hour, writing their name by the hour. The catch is, no one can make a "date" with more than one person per hour. After everyone has made their dates, speed up time and allow 1-3 minutes for each hour. The facilitator then asks a question for discussion on each date. The pairs will have a chance to get to know one another.
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The Quiet Game
The instructor explains that this exercise will take self-control. Members pair back to back. On the count of three, everyone must face their partner, look each other in the eyes, and then try to remain solemn and serious. No speaking! The first to smile or laugh must sit down. All who remain standing then take a new partner and the activity continues until only one person has not smiled or laughed. (Second round of playing can involve two teams competing to outlast each other.) If you get a pair at the end who both keep a straight face, the rest of the group can ask hecklers to disrupt them.
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My Name Means...
Split the group into pairs. Each pair has to come up with words that describe the person using the letters in their first name. The phrase is then shared with the group. As an example, Lyndsay could stand for "Loud, Young, Nerdy, Dreamer, Strong, Adventurous, Yearning". As a more creative alternative, each pair has to come up with a silly phrase based on the letters in their first name. Lyndsay could be "Lively Young Nurses Dance Salsa All Year"
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The M&M Game
In this exercise, the object is not to let on what it's all about. Let the participants come in and offer them M&Ms. After everyone has some yummy candy, ask participants to tell the group one thing about themselves for each M&M they took (You can add a twist by making categories for each color, i.e. For each red M&M, tell the group about a scar you have, for each green one, name a favorite food, etc.)
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Human Scavenger Hunt
This one's easy. Make up lists of characteristics about people, and then group members need to find other members of the group who meet those criteria (e.g. someone from out of state, someone whose birthday is in March, etc.). You can also make this game into a form of Bingo!
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Moving Circles
Divide the group into two circles (each group must have the same number of people). Have one circle inside the other, so each person in the outside circle is standing directly across from someone on the inside circle. Then, ask a question for the group to discuss. The discussion should be between the people facing each other. After a bit, have one of the circles move one person to the left or right, so everyone has a new partner, and ask a new question. This can also be done in two lines facing each other.
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The Talent Show
Everyone selects one talent or special gift that they possess and can demonstrate for the group. They introduce themselves, explain what their special talent is, and then perform their special talent for the group.
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The Shoe Game
When entering, everyone must take off one shoe and leave it in a pile at the door. They keep the other shoe on. After everyone is in, the host will distribute the shoes to people not wearing the same shoe. When instructed, everyone must find the mix and find the person who belongs to the shoe and get some info about them. They then introduce their new friend to the group.
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Dream Vacation
Ask participants to introduce themselves and describe details of the ideal, perfect dream vacation.
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Favorite Animal Game
As the guests arrive, and before you write their names on a name card, ask them to tell you their favorite animal and three adjectives to describe the animal. As they tell you, write the three adjectives on a name tag BEFORE their name (omit the name of the animal). Ask them to mingle with the crowd, sharing why these adjectives best describe their own personality. EXAMPLES: Loyal, cuddly, playful Dan
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The Interview Game
Break the group into two person teams (have them pick a partner that they know the least about). Have them interview each other for about five minutes (You can also prepare questions ahead of time or provide general guidelines for the interview). They need to learn about what each other likes about their job, past jobs, family life, hobbies, favorite sport, etc. After the interviews, reassemble the group and have each team introduce their team member to the group.
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Positive Reinforcement Cards Game
Whenever a participant arrives to work on time from breaks, lunch, etc. give them one playing card. You can also hand out cards to people who volunteer for activities, are helpful, answers a difficult question, etc. At the end of the day, play one hand of poker. Give a small prize to the best hand (you can also pick the top two or three hands if you want to give away more prizes). Note that the more cards a person has, the better the chance of winning.
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Find Someone Game
Each person writes on a blank index card one to three statements, such as favorite color, interest, hobby, or vacations. Pass out cards so everyone gets someone else's card. Have that person find the person with their card and introduce themselves.
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Sunshine Cards Game
Everyone writes their name in the center of a piece of paper and draws a sun around their name. Pass your paper around to the person on your right. That person will write something positive about you and they do not have to sign their name. Continue to pass your name around until everyone has written something on all the papers.
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Finish the Sentence Game
Write the start of a question on the board (i.e. My Favorite job was, My Hobby is.) and go around the room with each person finishing the sentence. When the group is finished, post another question and start again.