Department Blood Pressure Clinic Skip to main content

Department Blood Pressure Clinic

advocate activity pics/blood_pressure.jpg

Submitted by: BYU Wellness Coordinators

Purpose: To raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

Duration: Available for one day

Details: Host a blood pressure clinic in your department! This is a fun way to help raise awareness about health. Stop by the wellness office (2001A JKB) to rent our blood pressure monitor. Handouts are available that contain information about understanding and managing blood pressure levels. Set up a  station with the monitor, handouts, and instructions. That way, the clinic will run itself. Your main job will be to promote the event. Tell employees that they can stop by at any point throughout the day! This could take place at any time of the year, but it could be fun to do in February so that they are more aware of their heart!

*To learn more about blood pressure in preparation for this event, invite one of the Wellness Coordinators to come give a presentation on the benefits of knowing what your blood pressure is and how to prevent hypertension.

Outcomes: Opportunity for employees to become more aware of their health! It is simple and easy to put on.