1 lb Pasta of Your Choice
2 Shallots Chopped
4 Cloves Garlic Minced
Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Sauté
1 Cup Pumpkin Puree Canned or Homemade
1/2 Cup Canned Diced Tomatoes
3-4 Large Fresh Basil Leaves
1/2 Tsp Black Pepper
1/4 Tsp Salt or more to taste
1-2 Handfuls Arugula
Lots of Fresh Cracked Pepper
1. Start by cooking the pasta according to the package directions.
2. While the pasta is cooking, chop the shallots and mince the garlic.
3. When pasta is done cooking, remove from heat and drain water. Then, put the pasta back in the pot and drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil (to prevent the pasta from sticking together).
4. Then, bring a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a sauté pan to medium-high heat. Add the shallots, and sauté for about ten minutes, until shallots have softened.
5. Then, reduce heat to medium and add minced garlic. Sauté until the garlic is JUST browned (it cooks quickly - be careful not to burn!!)
6. Once garlic is slightly browned, add in diced tomatoes and sauté for about five minutes, to let the flavors really mix.
7. Then, add tomato/shallot/garlic mixture to a blender with pumpkin purée, basil leaves, salt, and pepper. Blend on high until everything is smooth and creamy.
8. Pour the pumpkin sauce over the pasta and mix completely. If desired, add in 1-2 handfuls of arugula for a nice peppery flavor.
9. Serve pasta in bowl, with lots of extra fresh cracked pepper on top. Enjoy!
credit: wellandfull.com