Blocked Perspective
15 minutes
2 Sets Available in the HRD Library
- Activity takes 10-15 minutes
- Each set has 50 high-quality wooden blocks of different shapes and sizes, 25 photographs, instructions and debrief for 5 game variations
- Each set allows for 1 group of 6-30 depending on the game variation
Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email
Activity Overview
This fun and engaging activity helps all team members see how their perspective is not necessarily the correct one or the only one of value. As participants engage and work together to solve the initiative they soon come to realize that by taking time to gather and consider all perspectives they are better able to be successful. Only photographers can view and describe the model image, and only builders may touch the blocks. The two roles must work together. Watch this visual overview
Activity Instructions
Detailed Instructions, Reflection Points, and Variations.
Suggested Use
To help teams improve communication and collaboration
Created by High 5 Adventure