Colorblind Plus Skip to main content

Colorblind Plus

20-40 minutes

6 Sets Available in the HRD Library

-This activity takes 20-40 minutes
-Ideal group size is 6-14 people per set, but 6-28 is possible.
- Set includes: Facilitator manual, 20 re-usable/washable Blindfolds, & 30 Colored components (6x of each color)

Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email

Activity Overview
Colorblind Plus requires participants to describe abstract shapes to each other to solve the task they have been given. Participants are not allowed to see each other’s shapes, as they are not allowed to share the same visual reference, this is done by either sitting back-to-back or being blindfolded (depending on the group size). This requires effective listening skills and feedback between team members. Watch this visual overview.

There are three different versions - a paired, a small group, and a challenging large group activity.

Activity Instructions
Specific instructions, set-up, and debriefing will be given with the set or found HERE.

Suggested Use
To improve collaboration, effective communication, knowledge management, listening skill, and problem-solving.


Researched and designed group learning activity from RSVP Design.