Department Wellness Advocates Skip to main content

Department Wellness Advocates

Use this page to find if your department has an active Wellness Advocate.



AC ShopMatt Bollard
AdmissionsKelly Jensen
Alumni & External RelationsNicol Legakis
Ancient ScriptureTraci Wright
BroadcastingMelanie Bonnet
BYU StoreRoger Dean
Careers and Experiential LearningBarbara Hunt
Careers and Experiential LearningTony Jewkes
Center for Service and LearningHeidi Goodsell
Center for Teaching and LearningMike Johnson
Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and SchoolingPaul Calderella
CFO and Controllership OfficeLynette Cummings
Chemical EngineeringClint Guymon
College of NursingKimberli Gibson
College of Physical and Mathematical SciencesKathrine Jacobson
Computer ScienceCasey Deccio
Continuing Education - Salt Lake CenterSariah Lunsford
Copyright LicensingKenneth Baldwin
Counseling Psychology and Special EducationJared Morris
Dining ServicesCordell Briggs
Electrical and Computer EngineeringKerrie Mennear
Enrollment ServicesMeghan Hoesch
External Relations Dean's OfficeCorinne Mayberry
GroundsMichael Hales
GroundsMichelle Gioglio
Kennedy CenterKelly Russell
LibraryMichelle Forstrom
Library - ITBrent Ellingson
Life Sciences AdvisementLisa Buzan
Marketing, Communications, and TechnologyNina Whitehead
Marriott School Business Career CenterStaci Carroll
Marriott School Dean's OfficeTara Ward
Marriott School Undergraduate Academic AdvisementHeidi Engh
Microbiology and Molecular BiologyNancy Morrill
Microbiology and Molecular BiologyTerri Moser
The Museum of ArtVauna Davis
Office of the General CounselAndrea Hill
OIT - Application DevelopmentLuke Rowley
PayrollPam Wilson
Physical FacilitiesKristal Taylor
PsychologyJalene McDonald
Purchasing and TravelMorgan Johnson
Registrar's OfficeLaura Hinton
Sorenson Center for Moral and Ethical LeadershipSue Murie
Student Connection and Leadership CenterEmily Smith
Student WellnessHolly Madsen
Student WellnessRebecca Means
University AccessibilityNancy Davies
University AdvisementHayley Jensen