- Thawed Chicken Breasts (desired amount)
- Butter
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Garlic powder
- Paprika
- Rosemary (Fresh, if you have it)
- Gallon Ziploc bag
- Placed thawed chicken breasts (slice it into two thin breasts if it is excessively thick) into gallon Ziploc bag and pound with meat mallet, rolling pin, etc. Pound for about 30 seconds to tenderize.
- While you are doing this, set your frying pan on the stove to heat up at medium-high heat (closer to high). Once the pan is hot, add about 1 tbsp of butter and 2 tbsp of olive oil.
- Place thawed breasts on one side in pan. Season side that is up with salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder and rosemary. Make sure the side that is down sears on the pan for at least one minute. After seasoning side up, flip the chicken, season the seared side, place lid on the frying pan.
- Turn the heat down to low, leaving the lid on. Let cook for 10 minutes.
- After time is up, turn heat off and leave pan on stove for another 10 minutes, leaving the lid on.
- Enjoy perfectly tender roasted chicken!
Recipe donated by Ellen Gillie