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Social Connection

  • Lunch Bunch- host a virtual meet-up for anyone interested and use question prompts to aid conversation
  • Share wellness tips and events in your inner office newsletter
  • Book Club - pick a book and plan a meeting. As people are reading post questions, videos, or other thoughts about the book so people can follow along and discuss
  • Implement a communication tool (Teams, Slack, etc) for greater connectivity. Create different channels for development opportunities, questions, and fun thoughts
  • Team Download- quick huddle for everyone every other Monday morning. A chance to say hello, do some recognition, and help with a focus on division priorities
  • Create a committee to spotlight events, opportunities, and people along their wellness journeys. Delegate 5 minutes at staff meetings for sharing of goals and healthy habits to motivate and support one another.
  • Host a favorites event where everyone brings and shares a fun/unique item they “can't live without” to get to know each other better
  • Engage Cards
  • We Connect Cards
  • Ask wellness questions on your communication platform (Slack) such as "what do you do for mindfulness?", or "share your favorite workout video"
  • Organize a Social with food and opportunities to chat