Tic Tac Toe Boards Skip to main content

Tic Tac Toe Boards

13 Boards Available in the HRD Library

- This activity takes about 2-5 minutes.
- This set comes with a tic tac toe board, 4 to 5 x's, and 4 to 5 o's.
- This activity allows for 2 players per board.

Reservation Instructions
Contact 801-422-5884 or email wellness@byu.edu

Activity Overview
The activity is a simple and easy way to have some fun with your colleagues.

Activity Instructions
For this activity, each individual or team will receive either x's or o's. Each individual will alternate placing one of their pieces on the board, each team attempting to get 3 pieces in a row.

Suggested Use
This is a perfect activity to introduce camaraderie and team-strengthening to a department retreat or team meeting.
