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Finding Balance

Balance is finding appropriate space for all those things in life that truly matter. Elder M Russell Ballard said, “...A life that gets out of balance is much like a car tire that is out of balance. It will make the operation of the car rough and unsafe. Tires in perfect balance can give a smooth and comfortable ride. So it is with life. The ride through mortality can be smoother for us when we strive to stay in balance.”

To help us evaluate where we can create better balance, we can use the following chart. This chart asks us to rate our level of satisfaction in seven different areas on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=least satisfied and 5=most satisfied). Once we’ve printed the chart, we will want to fill in the corresponding number in each section and connect the dots (starting at the top and moving around the circle until we reach the top again).

This exercise brings self-awareness as we think about the shape of our “wheel.” Questions we could ask are: Why does my wheel look the way it does? What would I prefer it to look like? What are my priorities? How can I make more time for those priorities?

In response to these questions, we can think of specific actions that will allow us to achieve greater balance and then put those thoughts into action. We may need to simplify our life or say no to less meaningful activities that are taking up our time, resources, or energy. Balance is typically achieved by setting boundaries and by being intentional in our decisions and actions. Elder M. Russell Ballard said, “Our lives are out of balance if we allow outward busyness to supplant inner goodness.” Let’s start today to create an appropriate balance of those things that are most important to us and that will bring us greater joy, fulfillment, and well-being.