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Inspiring Excellence

By creating a culture of growth we can help employees develop and strive for excellence in both their personal and professional lives. A culture of growth means there is encouragement, opportunity, and a safe space for learning and trying out new and better ways of doing things. There is also a culture of patience and understanding as employees learn from mistakes and overcome challenges.

Ideas for Implementation

  • Provide appropriate training and resources necessary for employees to do their jobs and stay current with best practices
  • Provide employees opportunities to stretch and grow through new assignments, extra projects, cross-training, so such
  • Provide department workshops on teamwork, innovation, leadership, customer service, communication, and other valuable soft skills
  • Encourage employees to join a BYU professional community and meet with their Career Development Council for a one-on-one consultation if one is available to them
  • Provide links to professional resources and learning platforms
  • Offer a book review on a business, leadership, or personal development
  • Offer professional development assessments from time to time such as strength finder, 360 feedback, Myers Briggs, bias testing, etc.
  • Hold a career development retreat, conference, or seminar or invite outside professionals to come and speak from time to time

Talent Development Resources